You can have anything you want, whenever you want.

You have online shopping, video on demand, and instant food delivery. You have access to clean water, electricity, and internet. You can read and you can write. You can sleep knowing that you will wake up.

You have more than you should, more than you deserve.

And yet you’re still not achieving your goals.

As hard as it is to believe, unless you live in an authoritarian state and you’re a slave, everything is an excuse. Everything. It doesn’t matter if you’re sick, or disabled, or your parents got divorced, or you’re poor.

No one cares about you. You’re not entitled to anything. You don’t matter. There’s no grand purpose in life.

You can’t blame your friends, family, teacher, your government, your parents. You can only blame yourself.

If you’re reading this, there’s at least a billion people who would consider their prayers answered if they could trade place with you.

Free will does not exist. The self is an illusion.

Maybe what you need is some discipline, some sacrifice, a responsibility to bear?

“No man is free who is not master of himself.”

Can you hear that? Your life is ticking by the seconds. We’re all going to die. Whether you believe in an afterlife or not, this is the only life that matters. You won’t get a second chance. This is your only opportunity to build the life you want. There’s so much wisdom in contemplating your mortality.

This isn’t about wealth or money or fancy cars. It’s not about having the latest iphone. These are all status games. Sometimes they matter, sometimes they don’t.

There is no such thing as the future. You are always in the now. Always.

Anything that you postpone or anything that you do right now is and will affect what you do in the future.

We like to think that some problems or certainly-will-happen events are going to be experienced by our future self. This is not the case. One day you will die. It is not some future version of you that will die, it is you.

You have to make a choice. Or someone else will make it for you.

There’s only two choice: accept the present or work on your future. Whichever you choose, people will shit on your opinion.

There will be obstacles. There will be a time where you feel like giving up. You will be sick, you’ll get burn out. People will mock you, indirectly or directly. You’ll feel like an imposter. You’ll feel like you don’t deserve it.

But that is life. C’est la vie.